Labels:book | bulletin board | chat room | earth | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: TIFF 5.0 Appandicos TIFF writers to convert t palette color images into fuil color image than to make TIFF readers handle an additional color image type. since there are morc HHI1 readers than wrfters At this poinu New tags Herc arc some proposed neW tags that can he1p to classify images. pua make up Fo not having scparatc palette color class They art not rcquircd fc: TIFF Class R but an strongty recommended Fox color TTF images created by palette- 1 col paint oTamS ColorImageT VD Tas 318 (13E) Type SHORT Gives TIFF color image speer better idea of what kind of color image it is. There will be borderline cases Continuous tone, natural image Synthetic image, using greatly restricted range of colors Such images are proiucod by most cakor paint Sec CotorList for a list or cnlors used 10 this ...